Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Little Girl Who Was Forgotten

Hello, I have just finished watching something so delightful! I am so excited to share it with someone! 

Since this blog is about Borderline Personality Disorder, I felt this video went with the BPD. Not only is it beautiful, artful and sorrowful, I wonder if artist and creator Katy Towell understands BPD herself. So many elements of this hint of what we have inside of us.......

The animation reminded me of the fear and pain inside. At any rate, even if you don’t tie it to BPD, I hope you enjoy it, it really is lovely, and very, very sad too.....

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Addiction # 4

Addiction # 4

I L-O-V-E wine!
Wine is beautiful, its hue is so lovely, look at it glinting in the light, red or white, it doesn’t matter, they are lovely. It’s silky in texture, and seductive in flavor. Wine can take me to a place so happy and secure.  It can turn me into Wonder Woman. When I drink wine, I think I am capable of doing anything.
There are a few problems with me spending too much time delighting myself in wine though:
1.       My wonderful boyfriend whom I love and adore has already told me he will not stay with an alcoholic.
2.       My poor liver is already giving my signs it does not appreciate the gifts bestowed upon me by wine. (And no matter how many vitamins I take, C and otherwise, it doesn’t seem to convince my liver that it can be happy filtering all this wine).
3.       My mother, whom I love dearly, lives with an alcoholic (my father) and it breaks her heart that I should go down that same road.
4.       It sets a bad example for others.
5.       I hold beliefs (I do not expect everyone to hold, please find your own way, but please look for a Way) but my beliefs are that God does not want us wasting our lives being drunk.
Other than that, and if it were not for that, I would spend every extra penny buying and drinking wine. I would bath in it and exhale it. 

I like to flirt with Vodka occasionally to mix things up; I don’t want wine to get too sure of herself.
Vodka is a whole new monster; Vodka makes you Wonder Woman X 10 (with 10 more bracelets)!!!!
Until the next day that is, then you are picking yourself up off of the bathroom floor, face splattered in vomit, and feeling like you should have died before it ever came to this. Let me tell you, Vodka makes a bad wingman. 

So here I am, a bottle of Pinot Noir, not my usual flavor of choice, but I bought it because it was on a good sale.
It’s silky enough in texture, and don’t tell Merlot, but I am enjoying my time with Pinot Noir!
I drank the bottle in a few hours and I have the flu, so that it stuffed my head up so much I couldn’t breathe so that my ears are throbbing. The right one is causing the most pain (party popper).
It was a sharp pain, like a lance, now it’s just more like a fly buzzing around the room, it bothers me, but it’s now in the distance. That is one of the nice benefits to this addiction, when on this peak, things like flues don’t bother you.
So alcohol, God, where do I start……..
My father is an A class alcoholic. AAAAAAA+++++++++++ (He is Super Man after all!)
The man has drank a 5th of Bourbon Supreme for 30 + years, and still maintains his life, health, everything.
I have to live up to that!
I drink nonstop one year, and forget it, I am like a washed up jelly fish drying up in the sun.
I hold my job, but if you could see me, it’s by far one of my worst moments.
If I was to let them make an episode of  “Here is your life”, this moment would be blacklisted from the script.
I am feeble, my immune system is at -10 and I look 10 years older than last year.
OK, so here is my dad, and please, despite what I may go on to say about him, he is Super Man. Nothing ever came up that he didn’t ever understand or that he couldn’t fix; that is except himself. He not only held his job, he was the best at it. He not only kept his family, he kept his sisters family, his other sister’s family, and his mom and dad’s family going.
To this day he helps me out, but the man is a suicidal alcoholic, and has been since 1982. My BPD is rooted in a day he told me he needed to drink beer because he was sick of drinking soda. It’s rooted in a year later when he left me alone day after day to smoke weed and badger my mother. They left me totally alone for moths at the age of 12 years old. They abandoned me to put it plainly.
I swear I didn’t see them until meal times, and then it was only my mother.  
My mother would sulk out of the bedroom and fix me something to eat. More like a robot mom than a living, breathing mom. There were no signs of life behind those downcast eyes, no words from those turned down lips.
I can’t remember him at the time, he was behind a door, out of his mind on grass or alcohol, and demanding the world from the woman who just offered me mashed potatoes. I didn’t understand. All I came to understand is that if they were so preoccupied about what they were doing, and had not thought about what I was doing,  they wouldn’t know I was sneaking out of the house at 10PM to hang out with friends they wouldn’t have liked for me to hang out with. 

So, here is how the call card comes to you. The Oblivion Community has your name, and they come calling. They know you, and they see you there alone as a child, they know someday you will need their services. It’s not your time yet, not as an abandoned, confused child; but someday it will be. Then when it is your time, when your sadness, bitterness, hatred, and shame have ripened, then they come calling on YOU. It was HIS turn, it was HER turn, but now it’s YOUR turn. Your number is finally called to ride the ride of the Numb Insanity Suicide Fun Ride. WEE……, isn’t it so much fun?!!!!!
Guess what, we can make the pain go away in just an hour or two. It’s a nice trick, except that it costs everything you have, and it only last until the next day, because you will sober up from that high, and when you do, you’ll feel like shit, so you’re going to need another dose!
I have tried drugs, I have tried sex (this one is addiction # 2) and I have tried cutting. I have tried many of them. And for meeting their acquaintance, I will never be the same; but alcohol was my big taboo. It seems I had to dance with her just once before the curtains fell.
She was all I blamed my misery on when I was a child, and yet, I find myself drawn to her bosom beyond everything; even all I love. It is very frightening!

It reminds me of something from a movie, Batman I think “Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?” Did you? ??? Well I did, and it looked like a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon in velvet.
Anymore, I start out my day with a Sweet Chardonnay, that is even before work, and I end it with a silky red wine of choice. It’s all the same these days, but I wonder if I will get it together, I have to get it together for the people counting on me, and for me!!!!
There is a little voice inside of me screaming every time I give in, every time I drown it in the liquor. It is screaming that now I am the one letting me down.
What about me? Hasn’t the child that suffered such abandonment, neglect, abuse and hostility suffered enough at the hands of alcohol addiction? Hasn’t the payment been more than enough? If alcohol were a person, to me she would be the end of the world; the big bomb, the red button that kills everything. Yet, it bewilders me that I might give up everything to her just because it’s so damn easy, and turning back seems too hard.
It is more than the water to fill an ocean, more than the sky to fill with rain that I could express in tears what pain such a substance has caused me.
And yet ……….
Alcohol, you are so enjoyable to me, you stole my childhood, but you are so sweeeeeeeeeeeet……….and you make me forget………….but…. will I let you take everything from me before the end?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

BPD = Borderline Prairie Dogs

One thing about having BPD is the numerous addictions that it comes with. One such addiction I had was prairie dogs. I became completely obsessed. One mid-summer afternoon a friend and I were trolling the zoo when we came upon a newly renovated exhibit. It was the prairie dog exhibit, and there were 30 prairie dogs pups romping, digging, playing, kissing, (they do kiss and at one time I though there scientific name should be Basium Spermophilus Lateralis, Kissing Ground Squirrels) rolling, squeaking, and acting like a circus of fat, furry clowns.........

I was completely mesmerized. I couldn’t stop thinking about them, even after leaving the zoo; I thought and thought about them the way children think about sweets.  
I bought a zoo membership that week and visited the prairie dog exhibit on my lunch breaks. I bought books and read every site about them online. To my delight, I found out that they could be pets, and so I began calling all over the mid west looking for a pet store that sold them. 

That is a completely different and long story, but I went to great lengths to bring my best friend prairie dogs home.  I spent many happy years with them; the whole time, being consumed about their well being and getting time to play with them.

In the prairie dog pet world, prairie dogs are often referred to as PD’s. My brain, being under the influence of it obsessions, at first when I read Borderline Personality Disorder often abbreviated as BPD I instantly thought Borderline Prairie Dogs, which in turn made me think of refugee prairie dogs. I thought of their land being taken over and them as poor little, war torn vagrants headed for the border of Mexico.

It’s not that hard to see how BPD and PD’s share some common history. Prairie dogs were once happily being prairie dogs, digging, chirping, playing, eating, and being eaten.

They were just being what they were created to be, but then people came who didn’t like them being the way they were. They thought they dug too much, chirped too much, and they were just in the way of their progress to build things and plant things. The people saw no value to the prairie dogs being on the land. After all, they did not help in bringing shopping to shopping malls, nor were they made of strobe lights or caffeine. 

The people decided to wage war against the prairie dogs; they shot them, bombed them, scorched them, and poisoned them. They even went so far as to suck them out of the ground with giant vacuums. 

The prairie dogs in turn dug trenches, and made plans to defend and attack. They massed together as one untied, furry army, but it was not enough. The people also gathered armies and brought in tanks, nukes and germ warfare. The prairie dogs days of romping and thriving were over, and they, with knapsacks in hand, headed for the boarder of Mexico. Not really, a lot of them went to New Mexico, Albuquerque to be exact.

But in all this, and knowing prairie dogs as well as I do, I can say they are the most determined creatures on earth. They do not give up. If at first you do not dig a hole in the pillow, and then you get scolded for trying to dig in the pillow, try; try again (when your caregiver isn’t looking). You will make the pillow your playground.

A person with BPD should not give up either. Getting over ingrained fear, self hatred and neurosis is hard. At times it seems impossible. There are many scars from the previous battles that have been fought, but one must go on, and get on with living beyond the boarder, pushing on into lands of belonging and success.  

Just ask these prairie dogs what going on and surviving is like in the face of those who doubted and defied you: